Field of Opportunities. Technological Basis of Agriculture Industry

10 Apr

Agriculture is open for a wide variety of opportunities in the field of technologies development and deployment. AIC has become an industry where robots, Big Data and AI are broadly used. This industry uses new information sources, tools for big data processing, integration with digital services, and implementation of new technological solutions in manufacturing processes.

Today, Russia’s agro-industrial complex is able to function effectively and independently of any external factors. Over the last two years, the sector has adapted to the new conditions. The foreign trade activities, logistical chains and state support mechanisms have been re-designed. Efforts are being taken to enhance import substitution.

  • What is the present state of AI implementation in the agro-industrial complex and its future prospects?
  • Russia has immense capabilities for the advanced development of many technologies. What are the prospects and challenges faced by the agro-industrial complex in the next few years?
  • Which solutions for AIC have successfully replaced import equivalents?